Guinea Bissau HTML Hex, RGB, PANTONE and CMYK Color Codes
The Guinea Bissau flag features primary colors of Red, Yellow, and Green. Use these color values if you need their national colors for any of your digital, paint or print projects. Follow this link for the rest of the African flag colors.
Guinea Bissau Flag Color Codes and Values
Hex (HTML): #EF3340;
RGB: (239,51,64)
CMYK: (0,86,63,0)
Hex (HTML): #FFD100;
RGB: (255,209,0)
CMYK: (0,9,100,0)
Hex (HTML): #009639;
RGB: (0,150,57)
CMYK: (91,0,100,0)
Hex (HTML): #000000;
RGB: (0,0,0)
CMYK: (0,0,0,100)
What colors are in the Guinea Bissau flag?
The official flag of Guinea Bissau is made up of these colors:
If you are an artists, graphic designer, or web developer looking for specific color codes, you have come to the right place. The RGB, CMYK, Hex, and PMS color codes for the Guinea Bissau flag are listed below.
Using these color codes for the Guinea Bissau flag will help you get the exact shades correct. Having the correct color is important for accuracy. When searching for additional colors to complement a design or piece of artwork, you want to make sure you get the best match and that is where color codes come in to play. Finding color codes for basic colors such as red, white and blue is easy but when you are trying to represent a countries flag accurately, you may need more specific swatches.
It is important to know that the difference between the different color codes. Hex and RGB color codes are used digitally. You will commonly use hex and RGB color codes in graphic and web design. Hex codes will consist of a combination of 6 letters and numbers. RGB codes include three values that correspond to how much red, green, and blue goes into producing a specific color. Both RGB codes and Hex colors can be used in web pages and other graphic designs that will displayed digitally on a phone or computer screen.
CMYK and pms color codes are used in print media. CMYK refers to cyan, magenta, yellow, and black. A CMYK color code will consist of four digits that represent how much of each color is needed to produce the desired color. The pantone color system includes over 1,000 colors. Each color is represented by a three digital number. The pms system is used for specific colors that may not be available with traditional CMYK such as fluorescents and metallics. In addition to the three-digit number, a pms color code will include a letter that represents what type of paper the color should be printed on. C is the code used for coated paper, M designates matte paper, and u is used for uncoated paper. The pms color system is the best way to make sure that printed colors are exact matches.
Guinea Bissau Flag RGB Color Codes
These are the RGB color codes of the Guinea Bissau flag. These should be used in digital design work.
Red : (239,51,64)
Yellow : (255,209,0)
Green : (0,150,57)
Black : (0,0,0)
Guinea Bissau Flag Hex HTML Color Codes
Below you will find the HEX color codes for the blue, red, and white colors of the Guinea Bissau flag. Hex codes should be used in digital web and graphic design.
Red : #EF3340
Yellow : #FFD100
Green : #009639
Black : #000000
Guinea Bissau Flag CMYK Color Codes
The CMYK color codes for the Guinea Bissau flag should be used for when printing a design.
Red : (0,86,63,0)
Yellow : (0,9,100,0)
Green : (91,0,100,0)
Black : (0,0,0,100)
Looking for more flag color codes? Continue browsing the rest of our site. You will find every color code that you need for any countries flag here. We also include complementary colors codes and variants of colors. Why don’t you stay a while and have a look around?